What is the cost of the post- production course? And when will it happen? Also is design school a good platform for film/ video editors too? Thank you.

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Hi! Thanks for reading!

There isn't a modular cost for any course, since the department hired me for the entire duration. For the question on video editors, there is only a 3 week editing course in PG Film. I feel that if you're already certain that is what you want to do, then maybe two years of Design School for only 3 weeks of Editing might not be the best way. A specialised course, online or offline, would be better. However, if you would like to study film overall and then decide if editing is what you want to get into, then going to a Design School would be a good idea.

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Hey, thanks a lot. That was a lot of clarity. :) Can you ellaborate more on the specialized course? Something like an institute like FTII? I am very sure editing is what I want to do for the rest of my life and am currently applying for video editing jobs and plan to climb the ladder from there(I have almost 2 years of work experience as a video editor). Do you suggest the same or have anything else in mind? Thank you.

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FTII has a full fledged Post Grad in Editing, which I feel if you're very sure of Editing is a great option. SRFTI also has one which is worth checking out. The edge of going through one of these programs is that you get the time to work on making mistakes. The problem with working in the industry is that you don't get the same freedom, since someone else is paying. I feel taking that time and making those mistakes is crucial to learning such an abstract subject as editing, which is all about rhythm, pace and flow. Please do check out the Youtube channel Every Frame A Painting and Orson Welles' film F for Fake. They've helped me a lot!

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Sure. Thanks a ton buddy. :) This year I'll be turning 30. Let's say if I want to go to FTII or SRFTII, I'll require a good amount of money which I can save while doing another job. But it'll require some time to go there. Do you still recommend going to FTII or SRFTII if I'm 33 or something of that age? This may be a very subjective question. Still felt like asking about it. Thanks.

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I'd rather suggest that you get into the scene and do good work for less money (or no money). One way is to do your own projects. The second is to look for collaborators. I think at the moment there are a lot of people who're doing really interesting work, but don't have the money to have bigger productions. But if one is able to collaborate with people, they can pitch in their own creative energy, but at the cost of monetary benefit. This can really help in creating creative relations, that at the end of the day is why one thinks about going to Film School, no? A good way is to join whatsapp groups of independent filmmakers. Its a pretty live scene and has work opportunities - both paid and unpaid. And of course if you need any help feel free to reach out over insta. We're there as buddhi_jeev!

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Thanks Buddhijeev. Will really consider what you're saying. :) How do I join whatsapp groups of independent filmmakers? Any suggestions?

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I guess the groups we are in is filmmaking groups. I thought you were talking about something else. Thanks.

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